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Central Office notice: earnestly study and implement the spirit of "July 1" important speech
来源: Tag: Deep attention 时间:2021.08.06 Number of page views: 2493

新华社北京7月3日电 中共中央办公厅7月3日发出通知,要求各地区各部门认真学习贯彻习近平总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会上的重要讲话精神。

notice,General Secretary Xi Jinping "July 1" important speech,Based on the major moment of the centennial birthday of the Communist Party of China and the key node of the convergence of the "two hundred years" history,Looking back on the glorious history and drawing a bright future,It is a programmatic document of Marxism,It is a political declaration that Chinese Communists in the new era will not forget their original aspiration and remember their mission,It is the action guide for our Party to unite and lead the people to take history as a mirror and create the future。要坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Strengthen the "Four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance",To study and implement the spirit of the "July 1" important speech as a major political task at present and in the coming period,Elaborate arrangement,Carefully organize and implement,Guide the majority of Party members, cadres and the masses to deeply understand and grasp the great significance, rich connotation, core essence and practical requirements of the speech,Actually unify thought and action into the spirit of speech。

The notice pointed out that it is necessary to deeply understand the significance of the "July 1" important speech。"July 1" important speech,It systematically reviewed the 100 years since the founding of the Communist Party of China,Unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the great road blazed, the great cause created, and the great achievements made;With heroic confidence, passionate ambition,We solemnly declared that we had achieved the first centenary goal and built a moderately prosperous society in all respects,We solemnly declared our firm determination to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and move toward the second centenary goal of building a great modern socialist country in all respects,The fundamental requirements of taking history as a mirror and creating the future are deeply expounded,A great call was issued to all party members to strive for greater glory for the Party and the people。"July 1" important speech,Through history, present and future,Through the great struggle, the great project, the great cause, the great dream,Hill-house, profound thinking, rich connotation,It has raised our Party's understanding of the laws governing the Communist Party, the laws governing socialist construction, and the laws governing the development of human society to a new height,It further points out the way forward and provides fundamental guidelines for forging ahead in a new era and walking a new journey。

notice,We must fully appreciate the historic achievements of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects,From the comparison of history and reality, theory and practice, international and domestic,We have a deep understanding of the great achievements and historical significance of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects,A deep understanding of the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects is an important milestone in the history of the Communist Party of China, the development of the People's Republic of China, and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,A deep understanding of the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects is the great glory of the Chinese nation, the Chinese people and the Communist Party of China,We will continue to work with confidence to achieve the second centenary Goal。

notice,We must thoroughly appreciate the glorious course and great achievements of the Party in uniting and leading the people in their unremitting struggle,A deep understanding of all the struggles, sacrifices, and creations that the Party has united and led the people in over the past 100 years,It boils down to one theme: Realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation;To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,Our Party has united and led the people in a bloody struggle, indomitable,Created the great achievements of the new democratic revolution;To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,Our Party unites and leads the people in self-reliance and striving for strength,Created the great achievements of socialist revolution and construction;To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,Our Party united and led the people in liberating their minds and forging ahead with determination,Created the great achievements of reform and opening up and socialist modernization;To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,Our Party unites and leads the people in self-strengthening, integrity and innovation,Take charge of the great struggle, the great project, the great cause, and the great dream,The great achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era;The Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up, becoming rich to becoming strong,The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process,We will make better use of the Party's course of struggle and great achievements to inspire fighting spirit and stimulate motivation。

The circular pointed out that it is necessary to deeply understand the profound connotation of the great Party building spirit and the value of The Times。习近平总书记在"July 1" important speech中,鲜明提出了坚持真理、坚守理想,践行初心、担当使命,不怕牺牲、英勇斗争,对党忠诚、不负人民的伟大建党精神。By learning,Deeply understand the great significance and rich connotation of the great spirit of Party building,A deep understanding of the great spirit of Party building is the source of the spirit of the Communist Party of China,Deeply understand the great spirit of the Communist Party of China,The spiritual pedigree of Chinese Communists constructed in the long struggle,Forged a clear political character,Better carry forward the glorious tradition and continue the red blood,Always carry forward and carry forward the great spirit of Party building。

The circular stressed the need to deeply understand the fundamental requirements of taking history as a mirror and creating the future。The "July 1" speech focused on taking history as a mirror and creating the future, and clearly put forward the fundamental requirements of the "nine must"。These "nine must's" reveal the profound truth of why we were able to succeed in the past and how we can continue to succeed in the future, and will surely inspire the whole Party to bear in mind the original mission more firmly and consciously on the new journey and create a better future。By learning,Deeply understand the history as a mirror, create the future,We must uphold the strong leadership of the CPC,We must unite and lead the Chinese people in their constant struggle for a better life,We must continue to promote the Sinicization of Marxism,We must uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics,We must speed up the modernization of national defense and the armed forces,We must continue to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind,A great struggle with many new historical features must be waged,We must strengthen unity among the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation,We must constantly push forward the great new project of Party building。

Notice emphasis,全体党员要深入领会习近平总书记代表党中央发出的伟大号召,Remember your original mission,Firm ideals and convictions,Practice the party's purpose,Always maintain flesh-and-blood ties with the people,Always want to be with the people and work together,Share weal and woe,We will continue to make unremitting efforts to realize the people's aspiration for a better life,Strive for greater glory for the Party and the people。

The notice requires that the study of the spirit of the "July 1" important speech should be the top priority of the current theoretical armed work, as the core content of the party history study and education, and the organization of special study and discussion to understand the spiritual essence and grasp the core essentials。Organize the Party history learning and education Central propaganda group to hold a series of special propaganda and report meetings, and all localities should carry out in-depth objectization, diversification and interactive propaganda for the grassroots and the masses, and guide the cadres and the masses to deepen their understanding and grasp of the spirit of the "July 1" important speech。Strengthen the overall guidance and organization and coordination of all types of media at all levels, in-depth interpretation of the new ideas, new viewpoints and new conclusions put forward in the "July 1" important speech, fully reflect the learning experience and ideological understanding of the majority of party members and cadres, and fully reflect the specific measures and practical results implemented by various regions and departments。Deepen theoretical research and interpretation, deeply study the important innovation points and key points contained in the "July 1" important speech, determine a number of key topics, and introduce a number of in-depth and influential research results。Actively carry out external publicity, innovate discourse systems and ways of expression, tell the story of the Communist Party of China well, tell the story of China in the new era, and enhance the recognition of the international community。

The notice requires that Party committees (party groups) at all levels should make special deployments in accordance with the unified deployment and requirements of the Party Central Committee, combined with the actual conditions of the region and the department, put forward specific requirements, and strive to implement them well, so as to rapidly rise the tide of learning and implementing the spirit of the "July 1" important speech in the whole Party and society。Taking the learning and implementation of the spirit of the "July 1" important speech as an opportunity to enrich and expand the connotation of Party history learning and education, and promote Party history learning and education to go deeper and deeper。It is necessary to closely connect with the actual work and guide the cadres and the masses to transform the achievements of learning the spirit of the "July 1" important speech into practical actions for forging a new journey and building a new era。

(Source: Xinhuanet)

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